We have a friend here named Charla who also lost her first child, Max to stillbirth. She decided to start a non-profit group to give support to others who have lost children either due to miscarriage, stillbirth or SIDS. She planned a memorial service for October 15 and asked me to come. It was held at one of the beaches. We introduced ourselves and told our stories. I told the story of loss as a Mom and a Grandmother. It was nice to be able to talk about it after all these years with people who understood even though I still couldn't talk without tears. At 7:00 p.m. we did the International Wave of Light. Participants from around the world are asked to light a candle at 7 p.m. in their respective time zone. The candle is to be lit for an hour. The result is supposed to be a continuous chain of light spanning the globe for a 24 hour period in remembrance of our lost children who never got a chance to live. We all lit our candles at the beach and it was beautiful. I held a candle for Timmy and one for Kylee.
After blowing out the candles we waited in line as an artist lettered memorial pictures for each of us. I sent one to Hannah for Kylee and kept one for myself for Kylee and Timmy. On Timmy's birthday I will place it on an easel for the day and do my usual wondering of who he would be and how life would be different if he had lived. After his birthday is over I'll put it away for next year. Losing a child changes you forever. It's a club I never wanted to be in nor have my daughter join me in but one that I've learned a great deal from.
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