Since we are still living in the TLF (temporary living facility) we knew we couldn't easily prepare a Thanksgiving feast in the apartment. So.....We had several options available to us. First, they offer a ready made Thanksgiving feast that could be ordered in advance and brought back to your home to eat. This was way more food than the two of us needed and was priced at about $95 so we nixed that option. Each of the clubs and restaurants on base also offered a Thanksgiving buffet which sounded more appealing to us. We chose to go to the NCO (non-commissioned officers) Club called "The Rocker" for our feast. We chose this because they were carving a ham where the other restaurants offered other options.
The meals were about $20 each and the spread and decorations were amazing. They kept the food on the buffet well-stocked and fresh. There was a salad/fresh fruit, seafood, cheese and cracker area, a carving area with beef and ham, a side dish area with stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots, green bean casserole, candied yams, turkey, etc. and then there was a dessert spread. Needless to say, we stuffed ourselves. We tried to pace ourselves between plates of food but we definitely got our money's worth. We were probably there for about two hours. We enjoyed having a break from cooking the big feast as well as not having to clean up the dishes afterwards. Here are some pictures of the decor and the spreads of food we were greeted with. Very impressive displays. Hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.
The Carving Station
Carved Watermelon designs |
The Salad Etc. Line |
One of the centerpiece ice sculptures |
My Plate of Yumminess |
The Buffet after the crowds lessened |
Loved this watermelon carved flower |
The Crowds Kept coming

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