One of the first things that surprised me when we lived in mainland Japan in the early 90's was the toilets. I remember well the first time I saw one. We were at a Hanami (cherry blossom) party with some of Russ's coworkers at a local park. I needed to use the toilet so I stood outside the restroom doors to see where the women went and where the men went since all the signs were in kanji. I went in the one I determined was the women's side and looked at the toilet in the ground and hurried back out thinking I was in the men's side. I stood there again and watched men walking into the other side so I tried again and checked all the stalls and they were the same. I went back out to where Russ was, sat down beside him, whispered in his ear and said..."I know this is a stupid question but how do you use the toilets here?" He smiled real big and said "It's time to learn to squat." Luckily our home didn't have that type of toilet but many of them do. In Iwakuni this was the normal toilet in all the public places but we quickly learned that the handicap stalls had regular American (western style) toilets so we always waited for the handicap stalls to open up.
In Okinawa, I've found that they aren't as prevalent here. Most public bathrooms I've been to have had both western style and Japanese style toilets in them so you can choose. I have found their signage in the bathrooms to be quite funny though. Who would have thought it was necessary to post signs telling them not to stand and squat on the western style toilets. I, of course, had to take a few pictures of them to share with you. They make me smile every time I see them.
Posted in the stalls with western style toilets |
Posted in the stalls with Japanese toilets |
I guess it doesn't take much to amuse me but I love collecting pictures of their funny signs. It made me wonder if there were people injured standing on toilets so they had to make sure instructions were posted. Or if things were getting sort of messy in the restrooms because of improper use of toilets. I guess this is important information for you all if you ever plan to travel to Japan. You now have the proper knowledge of how to use either style of toilet. (Just in case they forget to post a sign for you)
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